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LA Waterkeeper Welcomes Two New Board Members in Collaboration with Latinos LEAD

December 14, 2023

LA Waterkeeper proudly announces the appointment of two distinguished individuals to its Board of Directors: Dr. Veronica Herrera, Associate Professor at UCLA's Luskin School of Public Affairs, and Cynthia Guzmán, Principal at Estolano Advisors. Together, both Guzmán and Herrera bring strong backgrounds in urban sustainability, international waste and water policy, and climate-resilience to LA Waterkeeper.

Reflecting LA’s large and influential Latino community was fundamental to our board selection process. To achieve this, we intentionally partnered with Latinos LEAD, an independent nonprofit dedicated to helping organizations develop governing boards that better reflect their constituents and increase ethnic diversity in nonprofit governance, for a year-long recruitment and selection process.

With Guzmán and Herrera’s appointment, we are proud to underscore our commitment to championing diversity, technical expertise, and bold leadership in addressing LA’s most critical environmental challenges.

“It’s a privilege to have such strong professionals joining our board,” expressed Bruce Reznik, LA Waterkeeper’s Executive Director. “Ms. Guzmán brings expertise at the intersection of climate resilience, infrastructure, social justice, and water issues. Dr. Herrera comes to our board with expertise in water and environmental policy, Latino communities, and sustainability in urban systems. That they also bring lived experience we don’t currently have on our board is a tremendous asset.”

Dr. Veronica Herrera

Currently serving as an Associate Professor at UCLA's Luskin School of Public Affairs, Dr. Veronica Herrera possesses extensive knowledge in water policy in international development. Her scholarly contributions include the publication of "Water and Politics: Clientelism and Reform in Urban Mexico" (2017), with her upcoming book, "Slow Harms and Citizen Action: Environmental Degradation and Policy Change in Latin American Cities," slated for release in 2024 by Oxford University Press.

Dr. Herrera expressed her enthusiasm for the new role, stating, "I'm excited to join the board of LA Waterkeeper to help support their critical role in fighting for a climate-friendly water supply. I look forward to utilizing my academic expertise on water policy and my commitment to social and racial justice to serve this fantastic organization."

Cynthia Guzmán

With over a decade of experience as an urban planner and strategist, Cynthia Guzmán specializes in advising clients on projects that integrate socioeconomic and environmental benefits into policies and programs supporting vulnerable communities. Her track record includes advising the LA County Chief Sustainability Office and serving as an advisor to Oregon Metro's Construction Career Pathways project.

Notably, Cynthia Guzmán was appointed by California Governor Gavin Newsom to the Los Angeles Water Quality Control Board from 2016-2021. Guzmán's expertise and commitment to equitable development make her a valuable addition to LA Waterkeeper's leadership.

“LA Waterkeeper’s coalition-building and policy advocacy work is critical to LA’s water future,” Guzmán said of the new appointment, “I am ready to contribute my years of policy and regulatory experience to support our shared vision of clean, equitable, and healthy waterways for all Angelenos.”

Patrick Salazar, Executive Director of Latinos LEAD, praised the intentional and authentic approach taken in collaborating with LA Waterkeeper, emphasizing, "The strong response we saw from qualified Latino candidates demonstrates the importance of LA Waterkeeper's work in our community."

LA Waterkeeper is excited to embark on this collaborative journey and looks forward to the valuable contributions Dr. Veronica Herrera and Cynthia Guzmán will make in advancing a more just and sustainable water future for all Angelenos. Welcome to the Board!