Latest News LA Waterkeeper Latest News LA Waterkeeper

What’s Behind LA’s Recent Beach Closures?

Though recent headlines may suggest these problems are new, the reality is that bacterial contamination, ocean advisories, and beach closures have been worsening in recent years. It’s enough to make any beach-going Angeleno wonder: what’s going on, and is this something people should be worried about?

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Latest News LA Waterkeeper Latest News LA Waterkeeper

LA Waterkeeper Loses a Longtime Partner

On June 7, LA Waterkeeper lost a longtime friend and ally with the passing of Dr. Bruce Bell. While probably not a household name to most of our supporters, Dr. Bell played a critical role in the health of LA’s waterways and the success of LA Waterkeeper.

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Gov. Newsom Unveils New Drought Plan

On August 11, Governor Newsom released a new water strategy for the state, warning that water supplies will shrink by 10% over the next twenty years due to climate change. While the plan has been met with mixed reaction, there is a lot to like, including its call to dramatically increase wastewater recycling, stormwater capture and reuse, groundwater remediation, and conservation. Now, we have until the end of the month to ensure the state budget includes sufficient funds to move these programs forward and ensure a resilient water future for California.

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Latest News LA Waterkeeper Latest News LA Waterkeeper

Residential Retrofits with TreePeople

In a lawsuit filed by LA Waterkeeper and NRDC, LA County was required to pay $4 million for projects that reduce stormwater runoff and enhance the urban tree canopy. The funding was used by TreePeople to help people retrofit their homes with water filtration and stormwater-capture features, including drought-resistant plants and bioswales.

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Latest News LA Waterkeeper Latest News LA Waterkeeper

Pacoima’s Bradley Plaza and Green Alley

LA Waterkeeper’s successfully litigated using the Clean Water Act against a waste hauling and recycling facility in the Sun Valley neighborhood of Los Angeles. The funding was used in part to fund the Bradley Plaza and Green Alley, a project led by Pacoima Beautiful that transformed a run-down alley into a greenway for residents to walk, bike and recreate.

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